018 About homesickness
I've been here 19 days now. I can't say time flies here, but it doesn't go slowly, either. It goes just the right pace in my mind. It doesn't feel longer than 19 days, nor does it feel shorter. It feels just like 19 days. But considering I'm going to be here for almost a year, 19 days is almost nothing. Still, already after my first week people have kept on asking me if I miss Finland, my family, my friends, and I always keep saying that I don't miss back home.Why should I? I'm going back eventually.
It's not like I don't think about my home. Of course I do! I keep remembering and wondering about things from back home: how food tastes, how the nature looks, how my family and friends are doing, how different everything is there. And every time I think about those things, I get this warm, fuzzy and proud feeling in my chest.
I love my home. I love everyone back home and I want to see them. I want to eat the things I know and go and take a long walk in the forests.
I just don't miss it. I have never been the person to miss people and things in that sad and nostalgic and melancholic way. I don't feel the need to go back. I love my home, but I also love my life in here. I love the opportunities and chances I have here that I didn't have back in Finland. I love how the people are open and warm. I love how things are different, and it doesn't always have to be different in a good way. I still love it because I learn from it.
I love to learn.
I love to travel.
I love to meet new people.
I love to try out new things - as long as I learn something new about the world I'm living in.
This is not me telling you to stop asking if I miss Finland. Keep on asking if you want, I'm not bothered by it. Maybe things will change when I've been here longer than 19 days. Maybe I will start to miss my home in Finland, but this is how I feel about it now.